Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh – Ultra – BROL-EN083

Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh – Ultra – BROL-EN083

2 Level 5 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card to target 2 Set cards on the field; destroy them.

Type: XYZ Monster Level: 5 Level Set: Brothers of Legend
Race: Machine ATK: 2600 Rarity: Ultra Rare
Attribute: WIND WIND DEF: 1900 Code: BROL-EN083
Archetype: Wind-Up Language: English

$20.00 MXN

Disponibilidad: 8 disponibles

Compra y gana 2 Puntos

Al adquirir acepto los T&C del sitio.

Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh – Ultra – BROL-EN083


$20.00 MXN

Disponibilidad: 8 disponibles

Compra y gana 2 Puntos

Al adquirir acepto los TDC del sitio.

2 Level 5 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card to target 2 Set cards on the field; destroy them.

Type: XYZ Monster Level: 5 Level Set: Brothers of Legend
Race: Machine ATK: 2600 Rarity: Ultra Rare
Attribute: WIND WIND DEF: 1900 Code: BROL-EN083
Archetype: Wind-Up Language: English
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