Mimicking Man-Eater Bug – Ultra – MP22-EN204

Mimicking Man-Eater Bug – Ultra – MP22-EN204

FLIP: Target 1 monster on the field; destroy it, and if you do, this card gains ATK equal to that monster’s original ATK, then you can change this card’s Type to that monster’s original Type.
Cannot be destroyed by battle. Cannot be destroyed by the effects of monsters with its same Type.

Type: Flip Effect Monster Level: 4 Level Set: 2022 Tin of the Pharaoh’s Gods
Race: Insect ATK: 450 Rarity: Ultra Rare
Attribute: EARTH EARTH DEF: 600 Code: MP22-EN204
Archetype: Man-Eater Bug Language: English

$20.00 MXN

Disponibilidad: 8 disponibles

Compra y gana 2 Puntos

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Mimicking Man-Eater Bug – Ultra – MP22-EN204

$20.00 MXN

Disponibilidad: 8 disponibles

Compra y gana 2 Puntos

Al adquirir acepto los TDC del sitio.

FLIP: Target 1 monster on the field; destroy it, and if you do, this card gains ATK equal to that monster’s original ATK, then you can change this card’s Type to that monster’s original Type.
Cannot be destroyed by battle. Cannot be destroyed by the effects of monsters with its same Type.

Type: Flip Effect Monster Level: 4 Level Set: 2022 Tin of the Pharaoh’s Gods
Race: Insect ATK: 450 Rarity: Ultra Rare
Attribute: EARTH EARTH DEF: 600 Code: MP22-EN204
Archetype: Man-Eater Bug Language: English
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