Dinomorphia Reversion – Common – MP23-EN042

Dinomorphia Reversion – Common – MP23-EN042

If you control a “Dinomorphia” Fusion Monster: Pay half your LP and banish 1 Counter Trap from your GY; this effect becomes that Counter Trap’s effect when that card is activated. During damage calculation while your LP are 2000 or less, if you would take battle damage: You can banish this card from your GY; you take no battle damage from that battle. You can only activate 1 “Dinomorphia Reversion” per turn.


Type: Trap Card Set: 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes Mega Pack
Race: Counter Rarity: Common
Code: MP23-EN042
Archetype: Dinomorphia Language: English

$5.00 MXN

Disponibilidad: 2 disponibles

Al adquirir acepto los T&C del sitio.

Dinomorphia Reversion – Common – MP23-EN042


$5.00 MXN

Disponibilidad: 2 disponibles

Al adquirir acepto los TDC del sitio.

If you control a “Dinomorphia” Fusion Monster: Pay half your LP and banish 1 Counter Trap from your GY; this effect becomes that Counter Trap’s effect when that card is activated. During damage calculation while your LP are 2000 or less, if you would take battle damage: You can banish this card from your GY; you take no battle damage from that battle. You can only activate 1 “Dinomorphia Reversion” per turn.


Type: Trap Card Set: 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes Mega Pack
Race: Counter Rarity: Common
Code: MP23-EN042
Archetype: Dinomorphia Language: English
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